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To be ratified by Production, Aesthetics & Criticism Division members at the April 2005 conference.

These bylaws comply with the Broadcast Education Association Interest Division Policies and Guidelines

The name of this division is the Production, Aesthetics & Criticism Division (PAC) of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA).

The purpose of the Production, Aesthetics & Criticism Division is to provide a forum for discussion of issues pertinent to three areas, production, aesthetics and criticism for electronic and other media; to develop understanding of these areas through scholarly research presented at panels and poster sessions at the BEA annual convention; to encourage student and faculty creative production through annual, national, production competitions.

The governing body of the division consists of five officers: Chair, Vice Chair of Paper Competition, Faculty Production Competition Coordinator, Student Production Competition Coordinator, Newsletter Editor, and Web Manager. Other officers may be elected, and duties assigned, as determined necessary by the division membership at the annual meeting (e.g., Membership Coordinator, List-serve Manager, etc.).

Section 1 – Chair. The duties of the chair include:
1)       Overseeing the overall organization of the PAC Division;
2)       Representing the PAC Division in all BEA convention meetings;
3)       Chairing the business meeting at the annual BEA convention, including election of officers when scheduled;
4)       Handling PAC Division business between BEA conventions;
5)       Serving as panel coordinator, overseeing the evaluation and ranking of panel proposals;
6)       Authorizing expenditure of PAC Division funds.

Section 2 – Vice Chair of Paper Competition. The Vice Chair is responsible to the Division Chair. The duties of the Vice Chair include:
1)       Representing the Production, Aesthetics and Criticism Division in all BEA convention meetings in absence of the chair, or as designated by the chair;
2)       Assisting the chair during the business meeting at the annual BEA convention;
3)       Assisting the chair in handling division business between BEA conventions;


4)       Coordinating the annual Competitive Paper Competition, including promoting, receiving entries, facilitating judging, presenting winners, and co-chairing the competitive session of the annual convention program;
5)       Assuming the chair’s position at the end of the two-year term.

Section 3 – Faculty Production Competition Coordinator. The Faculty Production Competition Coordinator is responsible to the Division Chair. The duties of this coordinator include:

1)   Coordinating the annual Faculty Production Competition, including promoting, receiving entries, facilitating judging, presenting winners, and co-chairing the competitive session of the annual BEA Festival of Media Arts with the Student Production Competition Coordinator;
2)      Representing the Production, Aesthetics and Criticism Division as needed in the absence of both the Chair and Vice Chair.

Section 4 – Student Production Competition Coordinator. The Student Production Competition Coordinator is responsible to the Division Chair. The duties of this coordinator include:
1)   Coordinating the annual Student Production Competition, including promoting, receiving entries, facilitating judging, presenting winners, and co-chairing the competitive session of the annual BEA Festival of Media Arts program with the Faculty Production Competition Coordinator;
2)      Representing the Production, Aesthetics and Criticism Division as needed in the absence of the Chair, Vice Chair and the Faculty Production Competition Chair.

Section 5 – Newsletter Editor. The Newsletter Editor is responsible to the Division Chair. The duties of this position include:
1)       Writing or editing all newsletter copy;
2)       Preparing, publishing, and distributing the newsletter, either electronically or in print or both, to Production, Aesthetics and Criticism Division members;

Section 6 – Web Manager. The Web Manager is responsible to the Division Chair. The duties of this position include:
1)       Writing or editing all materials for the website;
2)       Hosting the site on the web manager’s university server or other appropriate forum;
3)       Publishing, maintaining, and regularly updating the site;

Section 7 – Procedures for Election of Officers. Elections of all officers are held in even-numbered years for two-year terms.  All officers are normally elected to two-year terms in even-numbered years.  In the case of vacancy in the middle of a term, a successor can be elected to fill the balance of the period.  Paid members of the Production, Aesthetics and Criticism Division are eligible to vote for officers at the annual meeting. Normally, the Vice Chair succeeds the Chair at the end of the Chair’s two-year term, so the position of Chair is not open for election. Nominations for each vacant position may be made in advance of the convention, and may also be made from the floor at the annual business meeting. After nominations are closed at the meeting, the candidate getting the most votes of the division members who are present and voting is elected to the office for each vacant position.


The newsletter is published intermittently, based on need.  The Newsletter Editor is responsible for writing, editing, publishing, and distributing the letter, either in electronic or printed form, or both. Publishing and mailing costs for the newsletter may be paid from Division funds; however, the Newsletter Editor’s institution may pay for some or all costs as a means of supporting the division.

The Production, Aesthetics and Criticism Division’s paper competition consists of two competitions: One for open category papers and one for debut category papers. All papers will be jury reviewed and evaluated.

The Production, Aesthetics and Criticism Division’s production competition consists of two competitions: One for faculty and one for student entries.  These production entries are to be selected for presentation at the annual convention-wide BEA Festival of media arts program.

Panel proposals are submitted to the chair of the Production, Aesthetics and Criticism Division by the deadline established by the BEA. Both members and nonmembers of the BEA may submit panel proposals with the understanding that all panel members plan to attend the BEA annual convention. The chair coordinates the rank ordering of the proposals. The chair submits the rank-ordered panels to the convention coordinator by the established deadline. Upon receipt of the final recommendation of the convention coordinator, the chair notifies the panel conveners of the decision regarding their proposals.

Production, Aesthetics and Criticism Division members may propose bylaw changes in advance of the convention and also from the floor at the annual business meeting.  Proposed changes are made in the form of a motion and require a second.  Changes to the bylaws may be conducted on-line through email or at the annual meeting.  Motions may be discussed prior to the meeting (e.g., via e-mail) and at the meeting.  When discussion is closed, a vote is taken.  To pass, a proposed bylaw change must receive a majority of votes from the division members who are present and voting at the annual meeting, or through email balloting.  Proposed changes cannot be in conflict with BEA bylaws or the Interest Division Policies and Guidelines.



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