Journal of Media Education (JoME) Call for Editor
Term: January 1, 2025-December 31, 2027 | Application Deadline: March 1, 2024
The Broadcast Education Association’s Publications Committee seeks applications for the next editor of the Journal of Media Education, the Association’s editor-reviewed journal published quarterly. The new editor will be selected in April 2024, at the BEA Publications Committee meeting following interviews during BEA’s convention in Las Vegas, NV. The editorial term is for three years, but the Editor-Elect should be in place by May 1, 2024 in order to begin reviewing new manuscripts and learning the mechanics of the editorial position.
JoME is a hybrid journal of both peer-reviewed and editor-reviewed content. JoME includes peer-reviewed creative content as a regular feature. BEA is seeking applicants to propose ideas to expand the journal to include both types of work. The new journal editor will have support from BEA’s Publications Committee, staff and board of directors, but will ultimately be responsible for transitioning the journal.
As a BEA publication, the Association provides financial support in the form of a modest editorial honorarium and editorial assistant stipend. The Association may also provide funding to help underwrite expenses associated with necessary design and software expenses to maintain the current publication image. (Editorial support budgets require prior approval.)
Interested applicants should send:
- a letter expressing interest in, and ability to, edit and produce a web-based professional journal
- an editorial statement of vision for the Journal of Media Education as a hybrid journal of both peer-reviewed and editor-reviewed content
- a full CV noting all research and publication experience
- a letter from appropriate administration officials (e.g., chair and dean) indicating the level of the institution’s commitment and support for the potential editor.
Applicants who wish to be considered should electronically submit all of the requested materials no later than March 1, 2024 and should plan to appear before the Publications Committee for an interview, if invited, during the BEA convention in Las Vegas. The Committee will recommend a candidate to the BEA board for final selection.
Those interested in applying are encouraged to communicate with the current editor, Dennis Conway, and/or the BEA Publications Committee Chair, Joe Blaney, .