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WJEC Acceptance Rates


BEA sponsored two blind, peer-reviewed competitions for faculty interested in participating in the Fifth World Journalism Education Congress in Paris held July 9-11, 2019.  


WJEC-5 Ignite!: Using the Ignite! motto “enlighten us, but make it quick,” educators with diverse backgrounds and perspectives presented their most innovative teaching ideas at WJEC-5’s Ignite! Session.  Following the traditional “Ignite” format, each presenter had 4 minutes and 16 slides to share their successful classroom projects and exercises.  Twelve (12) faculty entries were accepted for presentation with an acceptance rate of 33%.


WJEC-5 Creative Competition: Entries were accepted in four creative categories—Audio News, Photojournalism, TV News and Documentary. Twelve (12) creative entries were selected as award winners.  The overall acceptance rate for winning entries (Award of Excellence) was 40%. The rates for our top awards were 20% for Best of Competition and 3% for the Chairman’s Choice Award.

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