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Graduate Student Membership

Graduate Student Members must have an active interest in electronic media or other multimedia enterprises related to research and creative endeavors.

Please note that if you are employed part-time or full-time as a faculty member at a college or university while you are finishing your degree, you can not join BEA as a Graduate Student Member.

All Memberships are based on the calendar year, January through December.



•Access to BEA Connect  BEA’s members only community where faculty, students and industry partners can connect and share resources.  In the “Discussions” section, BEA members can find the BEA Bookstore which recognizes and showcases the outstanding broadcasting and mass communication books and textbooks by BEA members and BEA’s Syllabus Exchange for members interested in sharing in classroom projects, course materials and the strengthening of curricula. NEW GRADUATE STUDENT JOB SEEKER’S SECTION – This group is for graduate students looking for jobs in academia. “Job Seekers” should post bios, links to work and CVs. To update your information, click on the upper right corner of the page, click on your name and “View my Profile” to update your information and add your bio, resume and LinkedIn information – anything you think would be helpful to a potential employer. Job Seekers joining this group should be willing to invite schools to connect with them.

Join up to four of BEA’s 19 Interest Divisions, each offering newsletters, paper competitions with cash awards, and opportunities to communicate with students sharing similar interests.

• BEA’s Membership Directory is searchable by person, school and state – start your search and connect with students from other schools, Corporate Associate Members or State Broadcast Associations.

Publications/Subscriptions: BEA publishes three journals and you also have access to one additional journal from Taylor & Francis:

  • Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media (JOBEM) – A quarterly, peer-reviewed publication.  Members receive free on-line access and may receive a hard-copy of the journal for an additional $30 per year..
  • Journal of Radio & Audio Media (JRAM) – A bi-annual, peer-reviewed publication – Members receive free on-line access and a hard-copy subscription is available for $14 each year and can be added to your membership.
  • Journal of Media Education (JoME) – A quarterly & peer-reviewed publication (only available online).
  • Taylor & Francis FREE journals  – Free On-Line access to  Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, Media History, Mass Communication and Society, & Visual Communication Quarterly 

• This year BEA is awarding almost $30,000 in academic Scholarships for both full-time undergraduate and graduate students attending BEA institutional members.

• Job Board – Professional and Academic opportunities can be viewed in the BEA Classified section.

• Research & Creative Awards are available through Interest Division Paper Competitions, and the Festival of Media Arts Competitions

• E-Newsletters keep you posted on deadlines & events, training opportunities, grants, scholarships, conventions, equipment & software manufacturers, multimedia and publishing organizations.

• BEA’s Annual Convention has a special student member rate and includes comp registration to the annual NAB Show – co-located each year in Las Vegas, NV.  You will also receive access to the NAB/BEA Career Fair that take place during the convention.


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