The Leibner Cooper Grant for Creative Productions on the History of Media has been
awarded to Ben Bogardus for his documentary podcast project, Reporting on 9/11.
Ben Bogardus is an associate professor of Journalism at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut. Bogardus
teaches various courses in broadcast and digital journalism, including broadcast news writing, reporting for
television, podcasting and journalism ethics. Before joining the Quinnipiac faculty in 2010, Professor Bogardus
worked as a major-market local television news producer.
Bogardus has written and produced ten episodes of the documentary podcast series, Reporting on 9/11. Funds
from the Leibner Cooper Grant will support season two of the podcast series. Each episode features the story of
a journalist who covered the 9/11 attacks. Season one is now available on Apple, Spotify and other podcasting
apps and sites.
The Leibner Cooper Grant for Creative Productions on the History of Media is made possible thanks to an
endowment from Leibner Cooper Family Foundation. Annually, a $2,500 grant will be awarded to a faculty
member who is producing a documentary, news story, multimedia project or sports production focused on
historical issues, figures and/or events related to media. Each year the recipient will be recognized at the Library
of American Broadcasting Foundation Giants of Broadcasting Luncheon and at BEA’s annual awards ceremony in
Las Vegas.