Sponsored by: The Charles and Lucille King Family Foundation and Avid Technology
Student Audio Competition
Best of Festival Award: Tony Sarrecchia & Breanne Ahearn,, Kennesaw State University; Harry Strange, 'The Blink of An Eye' (Comedy or Drama Category)
Air Personality Comedy or Drama
1st Place: The Students of NESCom, New England School of Communications; Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Mystery & Imagination 2011: The Raven & The Cask Of Amontillado
2nd Place: Christopher Morris, Rowan University; What Do You Go Home To?
Educational Program
1st Place: Ryan Spillman, Michael Amato, Jazmin Hooks, Rowan University; Loco For Four Loco
2nd Place: Kali-Ahset Amen, Emory University; Anthems: Songs of Conscience and Shared Identity in the African-American Community
3rd Place: Myke Scaffidi, Appalachian State University; Hillbilly Jazz: The Evolution of Bluegrass
PSA, Promo, or Commercial
1st Place: Myke Scaffidi, Appalachian State University; Gorilla Tape Caper
2nd Place: Eric LaForest, Grossmont College; National College Radio Day: Zombie Attack!
3rd Place: Kayla McCarty, University of Southern Indiana; Study Abroad
Honorable Mentions:
Richard "Dick" Withers and Audra Wiant, Southeast Missouri State University; Hole-in-the-Wall Gang: "Camp"
Chris Rogers, Georgia College & State University; Holiday Road Sweeper
Specialty Program
1st Place: Zeb Navarro, Palomar College; September 11th: Ten Years Forward
2nd Place: Liz Reid, San Francisco State University; Fix Without Dix
3rd Place: Martin Masters, San Francisco State University; The 3D Radio Activity
2012 Winners
Student Competitions
Interactive Multimedia
2-Year/Small College
Faculty Competitions
Interactive Multimedia
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