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BEA Convention & Attendee Profile

      BEA is celebrating its 50th Anniversary and this is the perfect time to help us honor our history, while we look to the future. The Broadcast Education Association (BEA) is the higher education, non-profit organization for professors, administrators, students and media professionals involved in the teaching, research and services related to radio, television, electronic media and the emerging technologies. Our annual conference and exhibition is the international forum where these individuals gather to share research, ideas and learn about the latest products and services that are available for purchase. Imagine future electronic media professionals learning their skills with your products, your equipment, and your services. BEA is in the business of "educating tomorrow's electronic media professionals" and you need to be part of it.
      So, whether you're already planning a trip to Vegas for NAB, or if this is your first visit, one thing is for certain…IT ALL HAPPENS HERE!
      Our convention takes place on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the end of the NAB convention. On Thursday, we have a number of sessions which are co-sponsored by BEA and NAB. BEA exhibits and training labs take place on Friday and Saturday. The BEA Festival of Media Arts is on Friday evening.
      The BEA convention attracts educators who attend our convention and their BEA registration also gives them full access to the NAB convention.

* We usually have between 1,000 and 1,200 attendees.
* Over 85% of attendees have the authority to make and influence purchasing decisions for their departments.
* Over 85% of our members come to do business at the BEA Exhibit Hall and Technology Demonstration Room.

BEA2005 Happens During Primetime in the Purchasing Cycle:
40% of attendees make their purchasing decisions in the spring, followed by 25% in the fall, and 20% in the summer.

BEA Attendees Have Money to Spend:
The average annual budget for departments is $50,000.