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Call for Papers
BEA Management & Sales Division

The Management & Sales Division requests papers for presentation at the Broadcast Education Association's 2003 Annual Convention, April 4-7, in Las Vegas. The BEA2003 convention theme is BEA 2003: The Next Generation. The theme is intended as a focus for the convention, but does not imply that competitive papers must reflect that theme. Papers should deal with issues related to broadcast and cable management and/or sales, including such topics as programming, promotion, personnel, ownership, economics, and technology. Papers using qualitative as well as quantitative methods are welcome.

Both debut and open entry papers are encouraged. A debut paper is one where none of the authors has presented a paper or been a panelist at any previous BEA convention. First and second place winners in each category receive cash awards of $300 and $100 respectively. The Broadcast and Cable Financial Management Association provides partial funding for the open category award. The winning papers in both categories will be presented at the division's competitive paper session. Additionally, every effort will be made to include other quality papers in the BEA convention program.

Manuscripts may not be submitted simultaneously to other publications or paper competitions. Open category award winners funded by the BCFM Association will be asked to provide an additional report version of the paper to the BCFM Journal to be considered for publication. The intent is to provide the BCFM Journal with non-academic style articles. The emphasis in these report versions is on relevance of the issues and findings to managers. The report format for the BCFM Journal also allows winners to submit a full-length academic version to a refereed journal. Upon receipt by BCFM of report versions, prize checks will be distributed.

Referees of national scholarly stature will make blind evaluations of papers based on:
1. Identification of an important problem for study;
2. Application of a recognized or innovative research method;
3. Original and competent interpretation of data; and
4. Placement of findings within the context of scholarly theory

Only the cover page of each entry should contain the author(s) name and academic affiliation.
Any paper submitted as a debut paper should be so noted on the cover sheet. If no such designation is made, the paper will automatically be considered an open entry submission. The cover page should contain the address, e-mail, and phone numbers of the author(s), as well as listing any A/V requirements.

Authors are required to use APA style and include an abstract of 250 words. Four copies (with double-spaced typeface) must be RECEIVED by Saturday, November 30 (postmark first class mail by November 23, 2-3 day packages no later than November 27th). Winners will be notified by January 31, 2003. At least one author of an accepted competitive paper must register for and attend the convention to present the paper. Division funds may be available for graduate student competition winners to help defray travel expenses.

Address questions or submissions to:

Greg Newton
Paper Competition/Vice-Chair
School of Telecommunications
Ohio University
9 South College Street
Athens, OH 45701
(740) 597-1882
(740) 593-9184 FAX